We are currently in the ‘recovery’ phase of the Covid-19 pandemic, which means that many of the initial restrictions put in place have now been lifted. However, clearly the risks associated with Covid-19 remain, and it is vital that appropriate infection prevention and control measures remain in place to keep everyone safe.
Where possible, many of our appointments are being delivered over the phone or using video calls, but community staff within our families, young people and children’s services directorate are now offering some face-to-face contacts in schools, nurseries, children’s centres and early years settings.
To provide assurance that our staff are ‘Covid-safe’, the following measures are in place:
- All our community staff have been issued a clinical uniform/work wear. This is changed daily and washed at the highest possible temperature.
- Public Health England recommended that personal protective equipment (PPE) is worn by health professionals. Our staff use a face-mask upon arrival at the setting and all of these items are changed in between appointments.
- All staff have undertaken infection prevention and control training specific to Covid-19, as well as ‘donning and doffing’ training to ensure the correct and safest use of PPE.
- All staff receive a weekly Covid briefing, enabling them to stay abreast of the latest advice. All Covid-19 information and resources are uploaded to a dedicated area on our staff intranet for easy access.
- Our health professionals will only attend a limited number of schools or nurseries per day to reduce the risk of cross-infection.
- Staff carry anti-bacterial wipes, and wipe any furniture and equipment thoroughly in between appointments.
- Social distancing is also maintained wherever possible.
On request, staff can provide a letter and certificate of training to evidence that they are ‘Covid-safe’.