The cafes are a shared space for service users, carers, NHS staff and a variety of other speakers to come together to have collaborative conversations around care planning and recovery. The cafes are themed around the mental health recovery concepts of CHIME (Connectedness, Hope, Identity, Meaning, and Empowerment) and living well with. Attendees have an opportunity to share their lived experiences and learn from one another.

The cafes have been growing in the Trust over the past four years and we now deliver virtual cafes since Covid 19 placed our face to face cafes on hold. Lots of areas of good practice and new initiatives have come out of the cafes, a few of which are highlighted below:

  • Co-produced collaborative care planning guidance
  • Recovery prompt sheet co-designed with patients to support collaborative conversations using the CHIME framework
  • Quality improvement project focusing on enhancing service user and carer involvement in care planning in mental health services
  • Attendees joining the involvement network and get involved in various projects, training, development, and volunteering

Cafes are held monthly for 1.5 hours. Please make contact with us if you would like to attend, require any further details or to be added to the Recovery Café distribution list.


Call: 0116 295 0818

We look forward to hearing from you!


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