The listed services and links to websites maintained by other organisations are included on here to assist you and are provided in good faith. Some may incur costs. Their inclusion does not imply that the Leicestershire Partnership Trust endorses or supports them, nor does the absence of a service imply that we do not support them.

LLR Support Services Guide

Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland support services guide

A handy guide to many support services across the region for people with a learning disability or autistic people.

Click here to view the support services guide


Support Services

There are a number of local autism support groups available. Discover more details about time, venues and who to contact to attend by clicking on the name of the support group below:

Newbold Hope

A website with online resources supporting parents and professionals to reduce violent, difficult and dangerous behaviour in children and young people with a disability and/or an additional need.

Click here to view their website

Mosaic 1898- Autism Advocacy Group

We are Mosaic 1898; a Leicestershire based charity working to provide life-enhancing services, care and opportunities for disabled people (and all those supporting them), promoting inclusion, equality, independence, choice, empowerment, respect and dignity for all.

Click here to view their website

Revive Coalville

A café style support hub for anyone raising a child or supporting an adult with additional needs. Resources available to borrow for free.

purple poster for revive support grouprevive poster with available café dates

Coping with Caring

The carers centre run groups for carers. Their poster is below:


Harmless is the national centre of excellence for self harm and suicide prevention. We save lives by providing support, information, training and consultancy about self harm to individuals who self harm, their friends, families and professionals.

Click here to view the Harmless website

Harmless Leicester – What is Self Harm Leaflet

Harmless Leicester – Towards Hope and Recovery Leaflet

The Tomorrow Project leaflet

SENDIASS Support for young people with SEND

A service that offers free, confidential and impartial information, advice and support to parents and carers of young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) as well as young people themselves.

Click here to view our article on this service in more detail.

SENDIASS leaflet July 2023

Autistic Women and Girls

A group for autistic women, girls and non-binary people in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland to ask questions, share experiences and form friendships. Click here to go to the facebook group.

Autistic Women and Girls poster

Soft Touch Arts

Soft Touch Arts is a Leicester based arts education charity, who run a variety of projects for young people. These projects aim to improve the lives of those who may otherwise struggle to access services and activities.

Creative Studio is an alternative education scheme run by Soft Touch Arts – and funded by schools and local authorities.

It is a tailor-made specialist alternative arts programme for young people who need extra support and don’t fit into a traditional educational setting. The service specialises in working with young people who need extra support, including those who are autistic.

Click here to find out more – and to access the online referral form that a teacher would need to complete.

Soft Touch are currently running regular evening music sessions, led by instrumentalists, producers and contemporary musicians.

Click here for more information and a link to the referral form.

Soft Touch have a constantly evolving range of projects on the go – for more information click here to go to their website.

Autism Central

Autism Central is a free education programme . It offers support for families and carers of autistic children and adults across England.

It aims to build knowledge and understanding of autism and empower families and carers to advocate for autistic people they support to get the right understanding and adjustments in place across the services they use.

It is commissioned by NHS England and informed by or co-produced with autistic people, parents and carers, the programme offers one-to-one and group sessions complemented by high-quality online learning and information.

Families and carers can talk to people with similar experiences by joining workshops, drop-in sessions, coffee mornings or virtual meetups. With a provider in Leicester running sessions and support.

For more information, follow these links:

Autism Central homepage

Autism Central services for people living in the Midlands


POhWER is an independent advocacy support for people who live in Leicester City, Leicestershire and Rutland. Services include:

  • Independent Mental Health Advocacy
  • Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy
  • Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
  • NHS Complaints Advocacy

All of our services are free, independent from other services, and confidential.

Independent Mental Health Advocacy can support people who are:

  • Detained under the Mental Health Act (normally in hospital)
  • Subject to Guardianship
  • Subject to a Community Treatment Order (CTO)
  • A conditionally discharged restricted patient
  • Under 18 and being considered for electro-convulsive therapy or any other treatment to which section 58A applies.
  • An ‘informal’ (voluntary) patient who will be placed on a section imminently

People can refer themselves or be referred by a professional, carer, family member, or friend.

Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy can support adults who don’t have family or friends who are able to speak for them and a decision needs to be made about:

  • Serious medical treatment – when the NHS wants to give new treatment, stop treatment that is already being given or when they do not want to start treatment
  • A change of accommodation – when the NHS or local council wants to move a person to hospital for more than 28 days or to other accommodation for more than 8 weeks.
  • An IMCA may also be able to support with:
  • Safeguarding Adults from Abuse – when the NHS or local council receives a report of abuse and either the person reported to have been abused or reported to be the abuser lacks capacity to understand the plans being made to prevent the abuse. This is the only type of issue where the person can have family or friends to support them and still have IMCA support.
  • Care Reviews – when the NHS or local council has arranged accommodation or wants to review arrangements for a person who lacks capacity.

Referrals are made by the local council or the NHS.

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards can support people who have been deprived of their liberty but due to an illness, an injury or a disability which has affected the way their mind works they are not able to agree that they will not be allowed to do certain things. Referrals are made through the local council.

NHS Complaints Advocacy can support people who need help to make a complaint about the care and treatment they have received from the NHS. People can refer themselves or be referred by a professional, carer, family member, or friend. People can make a complaint on behalf of someone else if they have their consent to do so, are their parent or guardian, or if the person is deceased.

All referral forms and leaflets can be found on our website:

For help with a referral, please call our Help Hub on 0300 456 2370 or email

Ambitious About You- Understanding you, Discovering you

Free peer support courses for autistic young people aged 16-25.

The Ambitious Youth Network and professionals have co-designed a new six-week online course to help you understand autism, explore your autistic identity, develop goals, and equip you with resources, in a guided peer support group.

You’ll take part in online sessions with a small group of other autistic young people, led by Ambitious about Autism staff and members of the Ambitious Youth Network.

Click here to find out more about this Ambitious Youth Network course and how to take part.

Send Friends - Parents support group

A drop-in group for Parents and Carers of children and young people with additional needs.

The aim of the groups are to provide information and offer a safe space for parents and carers to meet once a month.  

Blaby, Oadby & Wigston Group poster:

Send parents group leaflet Blaby

Charnwood group poster:

Market Harborough group poster:

send friends market harborough poster

Melton Mowbray group poster:

melton mowbray send friends poster

Loughborough group poster:

North West Leicestershire – Coalville, Ashby & Measham group poster:

nw leicestershire group poster

Thurmaston group poster:

Autism East Midlands

Autism East Midlands (AEM) has been supporting autistic people and their families since 1968.

Formed by a small group of parents in Nottingham, the charity now provides support to individuals and their families across the region from Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire through to Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, and Northamptonshire. 

Support services range from accommodation, flexible day centres, employment support, family hubs, children services, respite, clinical services, and specialist education at Sutherland House School in Nottingham. 

Autism East Midlands provides support for autistic individuals of all ages from children through to adults. It covers the East Midlands including Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire and Northamptonshire. Services range from school services to adult accommodation support services and family support hubs. Diagnosis is not necessary for all the services provided. Further details about support and funding requirements can be found on the website. Please click here to go to Autism East Midlands Website.

AEM provides training courses covering subjects such as autism awareness, autism in the workplace, autism in women and girls, autism and mental health. Corporate training packages are also available. For details please click here to go to the website training page.

Autism East Midlands Helpline Number: Tel: 01909 506 678 

Leicestershire Empowerment for Autism Today (LEAT)

LEAT is a provider of specialist autism support to young autistic people and adults in Leicester City and the county of Leicestershire. 

The support is person-centred, mainly delivered on a one-to-one basis and funded by Leicester City and Leicestershire County Council Direct Payments, in accordance with individuals needs as identified on support plans. 

LEAT also provides social mornings and Personal Development training for small groups of autistic individuals and training for professionals. 

Who can access the support?

Autistic people aged 16 years+ in Leicester City and Leicestershire county.

Funding required by LCC Adult Social Care or private paying. Diagnosis required. LEAT can also signpost to diagnosis. 

Referral process

Referral by email to: 

Referrals can be made by individuals with an autism diagnosis, parents, carers, healthcare professionals and Adult Social Care professionals. 

Click here to visit the Leicestershire Empowerment for Autism Today (LEAT) for more information.

Barnardo's LLR Keyworking Development Programme

The LLR Keyworking Service is an NHS funded service that provides support for autistic children and young people and/or learning disabilities who are at risk of being admitted to hospital due to a deterioration in their mental health. The service is part of the Dynamic Support Pathway (DSP).

Keyworkers are involved in navigating and co-ordinating services, aiming to unblock systems to support the child or young person.  The service ensures the child or young person, and parent/carer’s voice is heard. 

Keyworkers provide knowledge and understanding of systems within education, health and social care, and have the means and capacity to link with professionals in all these services.  

Who can access the service?

  • Any young person aged between 11-18 years (This will expand to 0-25 years in the coming months)
  • Any young person who lives in Leicester, Leicestershire or Rutland
  • Any young person who has a diagnosis of Autism and/or a learning disability

Professionals working in Health, Social Care and Education can refer people to the DSP.  Please use this link if you want to make a referral to the ROAR or the DSR.

Click here to find further information about the Dynamic Support Pathway.

A Self-Referral option will also be available soon.

Leicestershire Autistic Society

The Leicestershire Autistic Society (LAS), formed over 20 years ago, provides support, information and advice to families and professionals dealing with autism in Leicester City, Leicestershire and Rutland. We are a volunteer led organisation, where the vast majority of our volunteers are parents or carers of an autistic person.

One of our main aims is to continually strive to raise general awareness and acceptance of autism. We work to provide autism-friendly activities and support for families. Please be aware that some of the groups may change according to funding and volunteer availability, contact the service directly for information.

Link-Up magazine

Support Groups and Activities

Who is it for?

The Leicestershire Autistic Society has no eligibility criteria and is for anyone living in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland wanting information or advice about autism. We are open to autistic children, young people and adults, family members and professionals.


Annual Membership Fee £5.00 – priority access given to members on leisure activities, conference and workshops.

Contact details

Please contact the The Leicestershire Autistic Society by emailing

Website and Social Media

Website: Leicestershire Autistic Society
Facebook: Leicester Autistic Society Facebook Group
(Request to join this private group by answering the 3 admin questions: Parent/Carer of person with autism? Personally diagnosed with autism? Reside in LLR?)

The Carer's Centre

The Carers Centre runs self advocacy and support groups for parents/carers of children, young people and adults who live in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. In these groups, parents/carers can meet and share ideas with other parents in a similar situation.

They can find out information and develop skills to enable them to access services e.g. from Social Care, Health, Education to support them and their children. The groups also support parents/carers to look after their own well-being.

The Carers Centre offers a range of different activities and training sessions, which are advertised to carers who are registered with The Carers Centre.

Self-Advocacy and Support Groups

The centre run several different sessions during the week, please look at the website and social media for the most up to date information on group days and times.

Some groups are online via Zoom, some face to face and some a mixture of both.

Weekly sessions are run at the centre on the following days;

Tuesdays: 10:00 – 11:30 am

This session is for parents and carers of children under 25 years and runs during the school term

Monthly on a Wednesday: 7:30pm – 8:30pm

A session specifically for working parents and carers who cannot attend sessions during the day

Friday: 11:00 – 12:30pm

A weekly session for parents and carers of adults

Who is it for?

Parents/carers of children and young people under 25 with special educational needs and/or disabilities living in Leicester, Leicestershire or Rutland.

Carers of adults living in Leicester, Leicestershire or Rutland.


All activities provided by The Carers Centre are free.

Contact details

Parents/carers can self-refer by ringing The Carers Centre on 0116 251099 or emailing

Website and social media

Website: The Carers Centre
Facebook: The Carers Centre Leicestershire and Rutland
Twitter: @CarersCentreLLR
Instagram: @carerscentrellr

The Monday Club

The Monday Club is a social group for adults who have been diagnosed with autism or Asperger syndrome. We support our members by providing opportunities to socialise, build friendships, take part in social activities, access the wider community and develop individual potential.

We aim to create a supportive environment for our members to meet, either in a mainstream setting or in the community, with trained staff and volunteers available to offer support, where necessary.

The Monday Club also provides brief respite for parents and partners of individuals who have been diagnosed with autism or Asperger syndrome.

Who is it for?

The Monday Club is open to individuals aged 18 and over, living in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, with a diagnosis of autism or Asperger syndrome.

Please note – we have a small staff team and are unable to provide one to one support for individuals with additional support needs.

Referral process

Anyone can make a referral to The Monday Club. Referrers must have permission from the person they are referring, if they are contacting us on their behalf. Contact can be made by email, or by telephone. Our preferred method of contact is email. We will aim to reply to enquires within a week.

We will invite individuals to the group for a meeting to discuss their membership and what the group can offer them. The individual will be given some membership forms to complete and once this is completed and the forms have been received, the individual will then be invited to officially join the group. Once the individual has joined, their membership will remain in place until they request that we remove it.


We provide a timetable every 10 weeks that is accessible via our website. This includes social skills workshops for our members every 10 weeks.


The club costs £2.00 per session to attend and there can be some additional charges for activities.

Contact details

Phone Number- 07873 311610

Website- The Monday Club

Charnwood Autism Support Group (formerly Loughborough ASD Group)

This group is a small friendly group who meet for tea and coffee, a chat and to hear various speakers.

Meetings are on the last Monday of the month at 7.30pm.

Location: John Storer House, Wards End, Loughborough, Leics LE11 3HA

Contact: Evelyn Halsall on 0116 291 6958 or via email:

Spectrum-Market Harborough

Spectrum-MH is a support group for parents and carers of autistic children and adults in South Leicestershire.

Meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of the month during term time at 7.30pm.

Location: Congregational Church, High St, Market Harborough

Contact: 07745 891834, email or join their Facebook group.

Castle Donington Group (SPACE)

The group aim to share information and arrange events for families with autistic children.

Meetings are monthly on the first and third Saturday of the month from 10am until 12 noon.

Location: Community Lounge, Castle Donnington Community College, DE74 2LN

Contact: Jane Sherwood on 01332 810528 or 07879 295414



Jigsaw provides activities, support, information and advice for families with autistic children. The group is run by parents.

Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month between 7pm-9pm.

Location: St Gabriels Community Centre (ADHD Solutions Building), Kerrysdale Avenue, Leicester LE4 7GH

Contact: Donna Johnson via email at

Melton Mowbray Spectrum Support Group

A group to offer support to parents and carers of autistic people.

When: 3rd Tuesday of the month

Location: Royal British Legion (skittle alley), 12-14 Thorpe End, Melton Mowbray, LE13 1RB

Contact via email: or Facebook: Melton Mowbray Spectrum Support

Jigsaw for Families Lego Club

For young people aged 5+ years with a diagnosis of autism or on the pathway for diagnosis.  This is run by volunteers so parent/carer supervision is required.

When: 2nd Saturday of each month, 11am to 12.30pm.

Location: Blaby Methodist Church, Winchester Road, Blaby, LE8 4HL

Cost: £2 per participant

Contact: Donna Johnson via email at

Jigsaw for Families Holiday Club

For people with an autism diagnosis or on the pathway for a diagnosis. A great opportunity for families to get together and have a fun time during the school holidays. The holiday club welcomes siblings and parent/carer supervision is required as this club is run by volunteers.

When: Tuesday and Thursdays during the school holidays (except Christmas)

Location: Tuesdays see Link Up or LAS Facebook Page for details. Thursdays: Party Hire Centre, Unit 7 St Mary’s Business Park, Market Harborough, LE16 7QJ

Contact: Donna Johnson via email at

Out of Hours Club- Rutland

The charity, Out of Hours Club Rutland,  also known as OHCR, is a group for young adults with additional needs such as Autism and Learning Disability who are isolated or at risk of becoming so.  

OHCR gives members the opportunity to get together and go out ‘independently’ carrying out a range of different fun activities; from going to the cinema, theatre, bowling, for meals and having days out whilst encouraged to socialize and to be independent. 

These young adults are supervised by age appropriate leaders and a back up team comprising of at least one committee member who will be nearby to help with emergencies. 

Who is it for?

Anyone with additional needs such as Autism and Learning Disability can access the group if they are over the age of 18. 

They are based in Oakham, Rutland, but if you can get to them you are more than welcome. 

Members pay £2 subs each week and for their meals and the activity they participate in. 

Website: Out of Hours Club Rutland

Telephone number: 07749 222 101 

Click here to view the Out of Hours Club Rutland leaflet.

Leicester Carers Support Services- Neurodiversity peer support for carers

Neurodiversity peer support for carers flyer

An informative leaflet from the Leicester Carers Support Service can be found by clicking on the link below:

Leicester Carers Support Service Leaflet

Sports and leisure clubs and activities

There are also a number of sports and leisure clubs offering accessible sessions, so click on the name of the club or activity below to find out more.

Relaxed Tennis - Desford

An inclusive, autism friendly tennis session every friday during term time. Details below:

Girlguiding connect

An online version of Girlguiding. Their poster is below:

girlguiding virtually poster

Beyond the Spectrum

Beyond The Spectrum is a creative writing project for Autistic writers of all ages and abilities. You can go to their website by clicking here.

Leicester Tigers Accessible Sports

Accessible sports for adults with additional needs in Leicester. Contact

poster about accessible sports by Leicester Tigers

You can Dance Academy

We are a specialist dance school offering inclusive dance classes for children/ young people with SEND, including autistic children/young people.

These dance classes are specifically tailored for children / young people with additional needs/ disabilities, including autism. The dance class is supported by the use of visuals, signing and a range of fun props!

Who is it for: Children/young people with autism (does not have to be diagnosed) 3-18 years.

We offer three different classes (Spark, Ignite and Shine) for children/young people of different ages/abilities.

Dance classes held at:

Blaby & District Social Centre

Leicester Rd, Blaby, Leicester LE8 4GQ

Trial / taster class is £8. If you enrol and attend the weekly classes (during Leicestershire term time), the classes cost £35 per month (this monthly payment is term time only).

Parents/carers can book a trial/ taster session by clicking this link

Dance school for send children


Aylestone Park Football Club

Offering children and adults with disabilities the opportunity to train and play football, feel part of a team and make new friends.

When: Friday evenings

Contact: Andrew Lennon on 07368210471

Birstall United Juniors Football Club

Run an inclusive team up to the age of 11 years old.

When: Saturdays, 11am to 12 noon.

Where: Meadow Lane, Birstall, Leicester, LE4 4EU

Cost: £2.50 per session

Contact: Stephen Carr on 07768111780

Oadby & Wigston Inclusive Football Club

Part of Leicestershire & Rutland Inclusive League and play in their monthly tournaments.

When: Saturdays, 10am to 11am for ages 6 to 15 yrs, and 10.30 to 12 noon for over 16’s

Where: The Meadows Sports Ground, Leicester Road, Countesthorpe, LE8 5QW

Cost: £7.50 per month

Contact: Beth Russell on 07896 345 409

FTM Dance

Offering both children’s and adult services, as well as dance, drama and music and creative therapies and summer play schemes.

Contact: 07543 068872 or email:

Phoenix Cinema: Access Cinema Programme

Offering an ‘access cinema’ service. Part of this offering is autism friendly screenings in a supportive environment with reduced sound levels, partially raised lighting, no trailers and freedom to move around. They also look to provide a separate space to relax in.

Find out more about the ‘Access Cinema Programme’ on their website.

CEA Cinema Card

The CEA Card is a national card scheme developed for UK cinemas by the UK Cinema Association (UKCA). The Card enables a disabled cinema guest to receive a complimentary ticket for someone to go with them when they visit a participating cinema. 

The Card is also one way for cinemas to make sure they look after their disabled guests. If you require an adjustment to visit a cinema because of your disability, cinema staff should make them for you whether you have a CEA Card or not. 

Eligibility: To apply, the person requiring assistance must be 5 years of age or older and be in receipt of one of the following: 

  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA) 
  • Attendance Allowance (AA) 
  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP) 
  • Adult / Child Disability Payment (ADP / CDP in Scotland) 

Click here to visit the CEA Card website for more information.

Local participating cinemas:

Phoenix Cinema, 4 Midland Street Leicester. LE1- 1TG 

The cinema hosts ‘Autism Friendly Screenings’ ticket price £4.00 (+1 FREE carer ticket for CEA cardholders)

Leicester Wheels for All

Have a fleet of adapted bikes that allow people to experience the fun of cycling in a supported venue. They have a fantastic team of volunteers and session leaders who are trained to enable you to get the most from your cycling with us at our events.

When: Fridays, Sundays and Wednesdays throughout the month

Where: Saffron Lane Athletics Stadium, Saffron Lane, Leicester, LE2 7NQ

Cost: £5 per individual, £10 per family, £30 per group (up to 8). Carers and Supporters are free

Find out more and view upcoming events on the Leicester Wheels for All website.

Autism Friendly Family Swimming Sessions

Free swimming sessions for families with an autistic child/young person. Sessions paid for by LAS/Miracles to Believe In.

When: Every Saturday of the year apart from Bank Holiday Weekends, 2pm to 4pm.

Where: Bosworth Community Sports College, Desford, LE9 9JL

Contact: Peter Holdridge –

Coffee Mornings Kirby Muxloe

Are you a parent, grandparent, carer or family friend of an autistic person? If so…why not come and join us for a cuppa and a chat? Everyone welcome!

When: Last Friday of the month (term time only) 10am to 12 noon

Where: Kirby Muxloe Free Church, Main Street, Kirby Muxloe, LE9 2AN

Contact: Rox on 0116 2874517 

Melton Mowbray Youth Club

Run by Melton Mencap and sponsored by Miracles to Believe In, this group is for autistic children and young people aged from 9 to 19 years old. The group will provide a range of activities and games to support all ranges of ability. Young people will have space to play, access to specialist areas like soft play and multi-sensory rooms plus the freedom of the large play area outside, with outdoor play equipment, grassed areas and lots of fresh air.

When: Every 3rd Saturday of the month, 10am to 1pm

Where: Birchwood School, Grange Drive, Melton Mowbray, LE13 1HA

Cost: £10 per session

Contact: Sue Milligan/Simon Bailey on 01664 564237

360 Play Hub

360 Play have set up a SEN session once a month.

When: First Wednesday of the month from May 2023, 3:30pm to 5:30pm

Where: 360 Play, Meridian Leisure Park, Lubbesthorpe Way, Leicester, LE19 1JZ

Cost: £8.95 per participant, Parents/Carers are free

Click here to visit the 360 Play website to find out more about these special sessions.

Spirit at Play Horse Centre

This is a non-horse-riding centre which focuses on helping children interact with six horses on the ground. It is for people of all abilities from those who have never been near a horse before to those who have ridden and been around horses. Our latest project called Families United is designed for children with additional needs and their siblings.

Where: Spirit at Play Horse Centre, Illston On the Hill, LE8 8BJ

Contact: 07557819483

The Thomas Centre

An outstanding holiday park, for families of autistic people and those with epilepsy and/or other special needs. Providing holidays for families and groups like yours, on a dedicated 25 acre site in a safe & non judgemental environment.

Click here to visit The Thomas Centre website.

The Leicestershire Partnership Trust cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss caused by any inaccuracy on linked sites or pages. The Leicestershire Partnership Trust cannot control and is not responsible for the privacy practices of any site to which a link is provided. It is recommended that you read the privacy policy of any site you visit, particularly if you are asked to give personal data.

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