Enteral medication syringe cleaning guide

These syringes are reusable and labelled single patient use or reusable (not single use).
Syringes for use with enteral feeding tubes should be labelled as Enfit.
Please ensure that all items are within their expiry date, as seen on the label.

The back of the packaging for a 5ml syringe

  • Ensure all traces of medication have been removed.
  • Separate the syringe and plunger.
  • Clean your syringes straight after use in warm soapy water.
  • Rinse both parts of the syringe under the tap, shake off excess water.
  • Dry with clean, disposable kitchen roll (do not use dishcloths or tea towel) or allow to air dry.
  • Ideally you should store the separated syringe parts in a clean dry container with a lid.
  • Do not place in the dishwasher as it can reduce the life of the syringes.
  • If using a cold sterilising solution, follow the manufacturer’s instructions and leave in the for the minimum time possible to preserve the syringe and markings.

Dispose of the syringes in the household, non-recyclable waste.

Download a printable version of this advice here.

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