Dynamic support pathway
The Dynamic Support Pathway (DSP) is an all-age early intervention pathway for people with Learning Disabilities, Autism or both. The DSP is for people living in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR).
The DSP has been developed to provide timely support for individuals with a Learning Disability, Autism or both whose health or wellbeing is deteriorating. It aims to ensure they can continue to stay well at home in the community. The goal is to identify concerns early and provide additional support that will prevent further deterioration or escalation that could lead to a crisis.
The DSP is also for patients returning to the community after an inpatient stay. A multi-agency meeting (MAM) can be set up to monitor the delivery and suitability of their discharge plan.
Referrals to the DSP can be made by any professionals supporting the person. Alternatively, the person themselves (or a family member, advocate etc.) can now make a referral to the DSP using the online referral forms.
Click here to find out more information about the Dynamic Support Pathway and/or to make a referral
The specialist autism team
The Specialist Autism Team (SAT) is a multi-disciplinary team committed to improving the quality and care for people who are autistic.
The team provide post-diagnostic support to autistic people aged 14 and upwards, including adults.
The team are focused on supporting autistic people and/or their carers to ‘Understand their Autism’. The team provide group workshops and 1:1 interventions for more complex individuals. Interventions are delivered on a sessional basis and are between 6-8 sessions following the assessment phase.
The team will also work closely with partner organisations such as education providers and social services to provide holistic care and more support where it is needed.
First assessments may be done initially by video call.
The team offers a range of care and support, as set out below:
Psychoeducational workshop (also known as the team’s routine pathway)
The team will deliver workshops to groups of young people/or family and to adults with a diagnosis of autism who are exhibiting a minor/definite deterioration in health and wellbeing due to a lack of understanding around their autism.
Understanding my Autism Workshop
This is a set of 6 psychoeducation workshops covering the following topics:
- Core features of autism
- Occupation and sensory approaches
- Communication and autism
- Executive functioning
- Autism and mental health
- Understanding behaviours
These workshops are currently delivered via My Guidance (a series of videos self-directed by patients) or via a online workshop on Microsoft Teams
To access these, you must:
- have a formal diagnosis of autism
- be 14 years and older
You do not need to have a lead professional to access the workshops.
One to one interventions
After attending a workshop and assessment, the team may offer further one to one support if appropriate.
Where someone is accepted for 1:1 interventions, it will focus on one of the following areas:
Understanding my Autism:
- A ‘reasonable adjustments’ document
- Communication strategies
- Help with meaningful occupation – establishing routine and structure
- Help with nutrition and hydration – dietary support
- Improving physical health – attending medical app with support
- Understanding behaviours
- Support to understand family dynamics
- Support to understand emotions/emotional regulation
- Support to understand sensory needs and appropriate strategies
In order to access the 1:1 interventions, you will need a Lead Professional (e.g. Consultant Psychiatrist, CPN, psychologist etc).
Other services
The team will also provide advice and guidance to colleagues from other agencies.
Referral criteria
The Specialist Autism Team (SAT) supports patients who are 14-years-old upwards, who have a formal diagnosis of autism and must consent to the referral.