Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust is recruiting student specialist community public health nurses (SCPHNs) to support children, young people and families living in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
The roles are open to qualified nurses and midwives looking for a new challenge and professional development opportunity.
The student SCPHNs will be based in the Healthy Together Service, which provides health visiting and school nursing services to those aged 0-19 in Leicester City and 0-11 in Leicestershire and Rutland. The service delivers the Healthy Child Programme within the community, schools and family homes, with key contacts beginning antenatally, progressing through early years and into school years.
What training is available?
Those who are successfully appointed to the roles will get a one year funded Post Graduate Diploma SCPHN Health Visiting or School Nursing course with University of Northampton, and practice placements across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
Recruits will be offered a full time, fixed term contract to start at the beginning of September 2025 for 53 weeks on the band 6 training annex. Where posts are available, LPT aim to offer public health nurse health visitor or school nurse posts on successful completion of the SCPHN programme and registration on part 3 of the NMC register.
Find out more about the course on the University of Northampton website.
How to find out more
You are welcome to attend an information event which will take place on Tuesday 11 March 2025, 2.30pm-4.30pm at Room 500, County Hall, Glenfield, LE3 8RA. To book your place, please email lindsey.franks@nhs.net by Friday 7 March 2025.
How to apply
To apply for a funded place for the specialist community public health nursing (SCPHN) health visitor or school nurse post graduate diploma, please visit the Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust jobs page.
The closing date is Sunday 16 March 2025.
What do previous SCPHN students have to say about the diploma?
“The SCPHN programme has provided me with a greater understanding of the theory behind the health needs of the school aged child and young person, which I have been able to implement into practice. With this knowledge, I have a more in-depth insight into the expectation of my role as a school nurse and feel more equipped to deliver a higher standard of care to benefit my service users and colleagues. Would highly recommend this journey to becoming a Specialist Public Health Nurse.”
“The SCPHN course is a tough course to do; however, you will not be disappointed as the amount of knowledge, learning and amazing university buddies you will make along the way will make the course well worth it. Additionally, the qualification is for life and will open many doors.”
“With a pen, a set of scales and the education provided from the SCPHN course; you are just a knock of the door away from providing advice which can change lives by supporting and enhancing the health outcomes for children, families and communities”
“Don’t be put off by the course through a disability; the course tutors and supporting staff will help you get through. It’s not easy, but life isn’t easy. Dream big and make your dreams become reality and hold onto the positives.”