Recognising and Reporting Hate Crime

Hate crime is subjecting people to harassment, victimisation, intimidation or abuse because of their ethnicity, faith, religion, disability or because they are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.

“Any incident, which constitutes a criminal offence, which is perceived by the victim or any other person as being motivated by prejudice or hate.

This kind of crime against lesbian, gay or bisexual people is known as homophobic crime and against trans people is known as transphobic crime.

Why you should report it

Reporting a hate crime incident means you help the police to build up patterns of crime and apprehend offenders. Any information you can give to Leicestershire police will help them build up their knowledge to combat hate crime in all its forms.

Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust works with ‘Stamp it out’, an organisation that provides information for victims and the public about what hate crime is, why it is important to report it when it happens, and sets out the range of ways hate crimes can be reported, including online.

Hate Crime FAQs

For a detailed set of FAQs on Hate Crime and how to get help and support please click here.

For further information please contact

Victim Support

Victim Support is the independent charity for people affected by crime – victims and witnesses. Trained staff and volunteers offer free and confidential information, support and practical help after crime.

Contact the regional office

East Midlands regional office
Alliance House
6 Bishop Street

Tel: 0116 249 3328

Partnership in action

The Trust is working closely with the Police, Leicestershire County Council and other partners to ensure victims of Hate Crime/Incident can confidently report such instances free from intimidation. For additional information please refer to the links below.

Useful Leaflet

If you have been a victim of hate crime you may find our leaflet on coping with a personal crisis useful.

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