The Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES) allows NHS organisations to compare the experiences of Disabled and non-disabled staff against 10 key metrics.

The WDES is a mandatory requirement embedded within the NHS Contract to ensure effective collection, analysis and use of workforce data to address the poorer work experiences of Disabled staff. It will require the Trust to demonstrate progress against 10 standard indicators specifically focused on Disability equality.

The Trust is responsible for developing action plans and reporting outcomes to the Board, who will monitor and scrutinise progress against the WDES metrics. The Trust’s MAPLE (Mental and Physical Life Experience) staff network, staff side and key stakeholder groups will be kept up to date on progress.

The WDES has clear links with the Equality Delivery System 2 (EDS2) which also became mandatory for NHS Trusts, including CCG’s from April 2015.

Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust is committed to tackling Disability discrimination and creating an NHS where the talents of all staff are valued and developed.

Our equality annual report on the Workforce Disability Equality Standard will be a benchmark which will enable us to plan improvements and monitor progress going forward.

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