Our Trust Board heads up a governance structure made up of key committees that provide assurance to the Board about different aspects of our work. Good governance leads to better patient care and allows the Trust Board to demonstrate proper accountability to local people for the safe running of their health service.

Our Trust Board as of July 2024

*Indicates joint role with Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT) as part of group model arrangement

Executive directors with voting rights

Angela Hillery, Chief Executive*

Angela has worked in the NHS for over 30 years and has a clinical background as a speech and language therapist. She is LPT’s Chief Executive who consistently ranks in the Health Service Journal’s Top 50 rated NHS Chief Executives – ranking at number one in 2023.

Angela brings to the Board a strong belief in developing compassionate cultures. She prioritises co-production and involvement with patients, service users and carers.

She was awarded a CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire) – the highest-ranking Order of the British Empire award, other than a knighthood or damehood – in the King’s 75th Birthday Honours List for her contribution to healthcare in Northamptonshire and Leicestershire.

Jean Knight, Deputy Chief Executive and Managing Director

Jean has been working for nearly 20 years in the NHS in both in the Acute and Mental Health and Community Sector. Her experience has been predominantly in operational management where she has managed a variety of services.

In 2017 she was appointed as the Deputy Director for Adult and Children’s Services in NHFT and then progressed to become Chief Operating Officer in 2020. Jean joined LPT in April 2023 as the Managing Director and DCEO she is also the AEO for the Trust. Jean is committed to the values of LPT and supporting colleagues to have a positive working life.

She is passionate about collaborative working to improve outcomes for our population.
Jean also has a master’s in healthcare leadership.

Bhanu Chadalavada, Medical Director

Bhanu is a consultant in perinatal psychiatry and established the Perinatal Service in Northamptonshire before returning to Leicestershire Partnership Trust as Medical Director.  Having completed undergraduate medical training in India before moving to the UK, he undertook psychiatric training at Mersey care, Stafford and LPT.

Bhanu is keen to provide high quality, evidence-based care and particularly interested in addressing health inequalities and differential access, using principles of co-production. He is passionate about supporting doctors at all levels to progress in their careers and in seeking opportunities for them to develop.

James Mullins, Interim Executive Director of Nursing, AHPs and Quality

James is a Registered Adult and Mental Health nurse. He began his career in healthcare at the age of 16 as a Healthcare support worker in care homes in his hometown of Peebles in the Scottish Borders.  He undertook his Nursing training in 2000 and has since worked in several areas of healthcare including elderly care, old age psychiatry, neurosurgery, substance misuse, prison healthcare, forensic mental health and female personality disorders.

James has worked in several leadership roles in both providers and in regulation.  Between 2014-2018, James was Head of Inspections with the Care Quality Commission and had responsibility for the regulation of 9 NHS Trusts and 250+ independent health services in the West Midlands. He then worked at Birmingham Women & Children’s Hospitals NHS Trust as Director of Quality Assurance between 2017-18 and has worked in various senior roles at Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust since 2019.  His current role is as interim joint Director of Patient Safety across Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Trust and Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust.

James has been given the title of Honorary Lecturer in the School of Healthcare at the University of Leicester.

Sharon Murphy, Director of Finance

Sharon started working in the NHS on the national Finance Graduate training scheme over 25 years ago, initially working in Fosse Health (a predecessor organisation of LPT) and has since worked in a number of senior finance roles in a national body, commissioner, CSU and acute organisations, all within the LLR system.

Sharon returned to LPT nine years ago as Deputy Director of Finance and was the Acting Director of Finance from January 2021 to January 2022. Sharon was appointed to the permanent Director of Finance role in February 2022.

Sharon is passionate about supporting women to progress and succeed, particularly in the areas of finance and procurement, where women leaders are traditionally underrepresented. Sharon is the executive lead for the LPT Women’s network and is a member of regional and national networking groups on this topic.

Directors in attendance without voting rights

Sarah Willis, Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development

Sarah is an experienced, MCIPD qualified HR Director with over 27 years of experience working across the public and private sector in Senior HR roles. She is currently the Director of HR and OD at LPT and holds board level responsibility for a wide-ranging workforce portfolio.

Sarah commenced her career in HR in the utilities sector working for various large multi-national energy providers before moving to the public sector in 2007. Since then, she has held various senior leadership roles with a portfolio which covers HR, Equalities, Training, Recruitment, Workforce Planning and Information, Workforce Systems and Medical staffing, Employee Resourcing and Attraction, OD and Learning and Development. In 2017 Sarah was appointed to Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development.

Sam Leak, Director of Community Health Services

Sam has a wealth of healthcare experience with over 30 years in the NHS, starting her career as a Physiotherapist and then moving into management roles.

Having worked at Leicester University Hospitals for eight years her most recent roles being Director of Urgent Care and then Director of Operational Improvement. Sam joined LPT in 2021 and is passionate about working with teams and system partners to improve patient care and enabling equality of health care outcomes

Sam is also the Executive sponsor for the LPT LGBTQ+ network.

Paul Williams, Interim Executive Director of Families, Young People and Children’s and Learning Disabilities Services








Tanya Hibbert, Director of Mental Health

Tanya has been the Director of Mental Health at LPT since October 2022.  She was a very senior manager in mental health and community services for 8 years previously in a Mental Health and Community Trust in the NorthWest of England and worked in senior leadership roles in a number of Acute Trusts. Tanya originally qualified as a physiotherapist in Australia in the 1990s but moved to the UK in 1997 and has lived here ever since.

Her passion is to provide, commission and deliver services that impact positively on patients, service users, carers and our communities. Tanya has extensive experience and success in delivering transformation and quality improvement programmes in a financially sustainable way. She has significant experience in co-producing and delivering care through partnerships with voluntary and third sector organisations.

Kate Dyer, Director of Governance and Risk

Following a career within the NHS and the Audit Commission, Kate has worked in the Trust since 2011, initially with 360 Assurance (a service hosted by LPT) where she held positions including Chief Internal Auditor and Assistant Director with a focus on governance and performance.

From 2018, Kate worked for the Trust as the Head of Assurance. In 2020 Kate was appointed as the interim company secretary and in 2021 was appointed as the Deputy Director of Governance and Risk. In 2024 Kate was appointed as LPT’s Director of Corporate Governance and Risk. In this role, Kate manages Legal and Corporate Affairs, Corporate Governance and Risk, and Transformation. This includes delivery of a well-led framework, compliance and regulation, and the day-to-day management of internal audit.

Paul Sheldon, Chief Finance Officer*

Paul joined NHFT from South Warwickshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) where he was Chief Finance Officer since 2017 and also the Sustainable Transformation Partnership (STP) Finance Lead for Coventry and Warwickshire.

Paul has worked in the public sector for over 26 years, beginning his career in social services finance, before spending the last 20 years working in the NHS. He has a long and successful track record in various commissioning organisations; from Health Authorities to Primary Care Trusts to CCGs.

Paul became the fully accountable Director of Finance for NHFT from 1 April 2021. On 1 February 2022, Paul took on the interim role of Chief Finance Officer for Leicestershire Partnership and Northamptonshire Healthcare Group.

David Williams, Executive Director of Strategy and Partnerships*

David was previously a Locality Director for NHS England in the West Midlands. His responsibilities included commissioning primary care, dentistry and public health services, as well as supporting a number of Sustainability Transformation Partnerships (STPs). David was also the Accountable Emergency Officer for the West Midlands with responsibility for ensure the NHS was prepared and able to respond to major incident situations. David has extensive experience in education, the voluntary healthcare sectors, as well as experience in partnership working and developing ways to work differently.

David has been working across Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Trust and Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust as director of strategy and partnerships since 2020.

Non-executive directors

Our non-executive directors share their independent judgement, experience and expertise with the Trust. They apply the experience they have gained outside the Trust to benefit our organisation, its stakeholders and the wider community. There are no relationships or circumstances that are likely to affect, or appear to affect, any director’s independent judgement. For these reasons, the Board of Directors considers all non-executive directors to be independent.

Our Chair is responsible for non-executive director appointment and termination. The normal appointment term is three years. Non-executive directors can be reappointed, though usually only for one further period of three years. The Trust has seven non-executive director roles (including the chair).

Crishni Waring, Chair of the Trust*

In September 2023, we welcomed Crishni Waring as Chair of our Trust. Crishni is passionate about great patient care, looking after our people and equality, diversity and inclusion.

Crishni has been the Chair of Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust since 2016 and now in line with our well-established commitment to partnership working between both Trusts, she is operating as joint Chair of the Leicestershire Partnership and Northamptonshire Healthcare Associate University Group.

Crishni has a wealth of experience in change management, organisational development and leadership at senior level, both executive and non-executive, and has worked across all sectors in diverse industries including healthcare, education, retail and logistics. She is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

In 2020 Crishni was invited to chair the newly established NHS Midlands Regional People Board which oversaw the implementation of the People Plan in the Midlands Region and now focuses on the strategic workforce agenda associated with the Long-Term Workforce Plan. In 2022, Crishni was appointed as the Chair for the Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care Board.

Faisal Hussain, Deputy Chair of the Trust and Chair of the Charitable Funds Committee

Faisal is an experienced board-level leader with over 30 years of experience across the private, public, and charitable sectors, which he brings to his role at Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust. After finishing his substantive career in local government, he began his non-executive career in 2017, bringing expertise in strategic planning, business transformation, commissioning, and community development.

He has been a Non-Executive Director at Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust for several years and is now Deputy Chair and Chair of the Charitable Funds Committee. Over his tenure, he has chaired a number of committees, including those focused on finance, performance, audit, and mental health legislation. Faisal is also Chair of the national charity, the Spinal Injuries Association, and has extensive experience in governance, financial and risk management, workforce and culture, operational performance, and stakeholder engagement.

A values-driven leader, Faisal takes a servant leadership approach – empowering people, fostering accountability, and ensuring high standards to maximise the impact for the communities the we serve. He is committed to tackling health inequalities and improving patient care and safety, while also being a strong advocate and champion for creating an inclusive culture where all staff are valued.

Hetal Parmar, Chair of the Audit and Assurance Committee

Hetal has over 22 years’ experience of working in financial services, having held a number of leadership roles including being the Director of Banking, Savings and Cahoot at Santander UK.  Hetal is currently Chief Operating Officer at The Mead Educational Trust.  He has extensive experience of customer centric strategy development, business transformation, financial and risk governance, performance oversight and ensuring integrity in decision making.

Hetal is passionate about creating an inclusive culture, supports ‘Women in Business’ and ‘Adoption & Fostering’ networks, and provides coaching and mentoring to help people develop their leadership skills.  He has over 13 years’ experience as a Non-Executive Director across different sectors, including housing, education and healthcare.  Hetal joined LPT’s Board as a Non-Executive Director in 2022 and is the Chair of the Board’s Audit and Risk Committee.

Josie Spencer, Chair of the Quality and Safety Committee

Josie’s clinical background is as a registered nurse and registered nurse tutor. She has a master’s degree from the University of Warwick and has studied as a Postgraduate at the University of Nottingham.

When working clinically in her early career Josie worked in Urgent Care and Haematology in the Coventry and Warwickshire area. Her managerial experience includes roles Director of Nursing, Director of Operations and Managing Director roles in several Trusts in the Midlands and South Yorkshire.

Josie’s final role was Chief Executive of Norfolk Community Health and Care Trust. Since leaving in 2021 Josie has undertaken a number of Non-Executive roles. In addition to her role here at LPT, she is Chair of the Safety and Quality Committee at Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent ICB and holds a NED role at Coventry and Warwickshire GP Federation.

Josie is also the Freedom to Speak Up independent NED.

Prof. Liz Anderson

Elizabeth Anderson is a Professor at Leicester Medical School at the University of Leicester where she leads on interprofessional education, patient safety and patient involvement. She trained as a nurse at St Bartholomew’s Hospital London and went onto work in Leicester as a Midwife and Health Visitor. Her clinical research was in poverty and disadvantage, and she now focusses on pedagogic research with a plethora of work on interprofessional learning.

She was recognised as a National Teaching Fellow by the Higher Education Academy for her excellence in education in 2007.  She is Joint Chair of the UK Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education. She was appointed as the NED for LPT by the University of Leicester in September 2023.

Alexander Carpenter, Chair of the Finance and Performance Committee

Alexander currently works in Commercial and Institutional Banking for the NatWest Group and has held several positions in areas including Retail Banking, Risk and Commercial Coverage.

Alexander is passionate about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and is a great advocate of cross-function collaboration to achieve a shared a vision and objectives.

As part of his current role as Head of Business Delivery, Alexander has gained extensive experience of strategic planning, driving performance improvement and achieving sustainable results. Alexander joined NatWest over a decade ago and he has a strong record of delivering transformational change in large, complex, and federated organisation.

Manjit Darby

Manjit is a retired director of nursing who qualified as a general nurse in 1987 and as a mental health nurse in 1992. She has a Master’s Degree in Health Care Management and worked in a variety of clinical and managerial roles during her career. She has also worked as an independent management consultant.

After retiring in October 2020, she developed a portfolio of roles including three years as a senior independent non-executive director in a large mental health and community trust. Manjit has been supporting the development of global majority nurses in the NHS and working with the NHS Leadership Academy on the development of future executive directors.  She is also a member of the Chief Nursing Officers Exceptional Leaders Network.

In 2014 she was named among the top 50 BME pioneers by the HSJ.

Manjit is a Queen’s Nurse and sat as a registrant member at NMC Fitness to Practice hearings for eight years. She is a lay panel member with the General Osteopathic Council, a Magistrate on the Leicester Bench and an independent panel member of a Local Authority Foster Panel.

In the New Years Honours list 2020 Manjit received an MBE for services to nursing and patient care and was also awarded the Chief Nursing Officer for England Gold Award in October 2020.

Manjit lives locally in Leicestershire with her family and is delighted to be reconnecting with LPT and supporting the work of the Trust.

Trust Board meeting dates

Our board of directors (the Trust board) meet six times a year to discuss a wide range of issues. As of November 2023 these meetings are held virtually via Microsoft Teams.
Members of the public are invited to watch via a livestream link which enables questions to be posed on behalf of the local public, service-users, carers, staff and our partners.

The next public Trust Board meeting will be held on:

Tuesday 25 March from 9:30 -13:00

Click the link to join

If you would like any public Trust Board agendas or papers in an accessible format please email lpt.corporateaffairs@nhs.net and we can send them to you.

Board papers


Tuesday 25 March 2025

Tuesday 28 January 2025


Tuesday 26th November 2024

Tuesday 24th September 2024

Tuesday 30th July 2024

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Tuesday 30 January 2024


Tuesday 28 November 2023

Tuesday 26 September 2023

Tuesday 25 July 2023

Tuesday 30 May 2023

Tuesday 28 March 2023

Tuesday 31 January 2023


Tuesday 29 November 2022

Tuesday 27 September 2022


Tuesday 26 July 2022

Tuesday 31 May 2022

Tuesday 29 March 2022

Tuesday 25 January 2022


Tuesday 21 December 2021

Tuesday 26 October 2021

Tuesday 31 August 2021

Tuesday 29 June 2021

Tuesday 27 April 2021

Tuesday 2 March 2021


Tuesday 22 December 2020

Tuesday 27 October 2020

January-September 2020

Questions for our Trust Board

The public are able to ask questions relating to matters of business covered on the Trust Board agenda.  Questions should be submitted at least one working day in advance and will be addressed at the meeting.

For any personal matters or questions not relating to a matter on the agenda, please contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) at lpt.pals@nhs.net

If you would like to put a question to the Trust Board relating to the business on the agenda, please complete the form below:

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