At Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust we recognise the value that visiting makes to the health, wellbeing and care of our patients and service-users.

We will ensure that anyone who stays overnight and receives care and treatment in any of our inpatient wards will be supported to receive visits in person from people they want to see, when they want to see them, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Patients and service-users who attend one of our hospitals or community bases for care or treatment which does not involve an overnight stay, are able to have someone accompany them to an appointment.

Visiting times

Community Hospitals

Visits can take place between 11am and 8pm.
Although if you wish to visit outside of these hours, please speak to the nurse in charge who will help to facilitate this.

Our community hospitals include:

Adult mental health inpatient wards (including The Bradgate Mental Health Unit)

Visits are preferred to take place between 11am and 7pm.
Although if you wish to visit outside of these hours, please speak to the nurse in charge who will help to facilitate this.

On Psychiatric Intensive Care Units (PICUs) and at the Hershal Prins Centre visiting is preferred not to take place during mealtimes. Mealtimes are outlined on the ward’s visiting poster.

We do not allow children to visit our acute Psychiatric Intensive Care Units (PICUs).

The Beacon Unit (CAHMS inpatient unit)

Visits can take place between 11am and 8pm.
Although if you wish to visit outside of these hours, please speak to the nurse in charge who will help to facilitate this.

Welford Ward

Visits can take place between 11am and 8pm.
Although if you wish to visit outside of these hours, please speak to the nurse in charge who will help to facilitate this.

Visiting is preferred not to take place during mealtimes. Mealtimes are outlined on the ward’s visiting poster.

Agnes Unit

Visits can take place between 11am and 8pm.
Although if you wish to visit outside of these hours, please speak to the nurse in charge who will help to facilitate this.

Open visiting

We recognise that in some circumstances there is a need for open visiting to support the health, well-being and care of patients and service-users, for example:

  • A parent or carer caring for a child/young person.
  • A carer who wishes to continue their caring responsibilities for their loved one whilst in hospital.
  • Family and carers of patients who are end of life.

Visiting guidance for University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust (UHL) services, including Leicester General Hospital, Glenfield Hospital and Leicester Royal Infirmary, is available on their website.

Visiting exceptions

There may be exceptional circumstances where there is no alterative but to restrict visiting or accompaniment due to a significant health, safety or welfare risk.

If this is the case restrictions will be communicated clearly by the nurse in charge and once circumstances change the restriction will be removed as quickly as possible.

Safe guide to visiting

When you visit a ward or hospital or accompany someone to an outpatient appointment you may be asked to wear a mask. This will be provided to you by the ward/facility. We appreciate your understanding and compliance.

Please postpone your visit if you feel unwell or have any of the following symptoms:

  • Any symptoms of a respiratory infection (including flu and Covid-19).
  • Continuous cough.
  • High temperature, fever or chills.
  • Loss of or change in your normal sense of taste or smell.
  • Headache that is unusual or longer lasting than usual.
  • Sore throat, stuffy or runny nose.
  • Are known to be Covid-19 positive or are isolating.
  • Diarrhoea, feeling sick or have been sick in the last 48 hours.

Mask wearing

Latest update: 3 February 2025

You will not be required to wear a facemask when visiting a patient, or attending a clinic. This will be reviewed depending on local and national circumstances.

If you have any further questions in relation to visiting or accompaniment you can contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).

Telephone: 0116 295 0830

Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust is compliant with Regulation 9A (Visiting and accompanying in care homes, hospitals and hospices) of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) 2014

An easy-read version of the visiting and accompanying regulation guidance is also available courtesy of the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

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