The items used in a self soothe box help you to focus on the here and now by serving as a distraction from the feelings that you are experiencing.
Self soothe boxes can be a useful coping mechanism for anyone of any age and can be used in any situation. They are particularly useful when you are struggling and having a difficult time coping.
How do I make a self soothe box?
You will need a small box, bag or container of your choosing to place your items into.
Now to choose your items; many people find it useful to select items relating to each of the different senses to help promote an overall feeling of wellbeing and calm.
When selecting items, it’s a good idea to choose things that trigger positive memories and feelings; for example, photographs of a loved one, a letter from someone you value or even a song that relaxes you.
Choosing items that mean something to you can be a great way of helping to promote feelings of happiness and calm.
It’s important to remember to choose items that work for you.
Here are a few examples of things that can be used in a self soothe box. Try a few things and see what works best for you.
Once all the items have been selected, test them out and see if they work for you. Remember it is your box, if something is not working for you, you can always try something else.
(Note: This video was not produced by Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust and may contain adverts.)
If you are struggling and finding it difficult to cope, talk to someone who can help like a friend, colleague, or family member.
If you prefer to talk to someone anonymously there are a number of helplines available to help. Many of these services are open 24 hours a day.
For a directory of support services for emergency, urgent and non-urgent emotional health support – including resources related to self harm – please click the following link: