Question: How does autism affect you, and why are reasonable adjustments in healthcare important? What should professionals understand about autism and adapting to individual needs?

  1. A Positive Experience with Reasonable Adjustments in Healthcare

One positive experience I had was with the Leicestershire Partnership Trust (LPT) when receiving treatment for Severe Mental Illness (SMI). The healthcare professionals recognized the complexity of my needs, particularly as someone with both autism and an eating disorder. They made specific adjustments to my treatment plan, taking into account my sensory sensitivities and autistic traits. This tailored, patient-centred approach ensured that I received the right level of care for my chronic condition. By asking for my input and respecting my past experiences, the professionals were able to provide care that truly met my needs.

  1. The Importance of Reasonable Adjustments in Healthcare

For me, reasonable adjustments are not just helpful—they are essential. As an autistic individual from an ethnic minority, I face additional challenges in accessing healthcare, including a lack of cultural and linguistic sensitivity. These barriers can lead to feelings of isolation and exclusion. Reasonable adjustments, such as ensuring communication is clear and culturally sensitive, help me and others in similar situations receive the care we need. Without these adjustments, the healthcare system risks failing to meet the needs of diverse patients like myself.

  1. Why Healthcare Professionals Must Ensure Reasonable Adjustments

It is vital that all healthcare professionals understand the importance of making reasonable adjustments for autistic patients. Autism is a universal condition, and equitable access to care should be a priority regardless of cultural background. Misunderstandings about autism, especially within ethnic minority communities, can result in disparities in care. By adopting individualized and culturally sensitive approaches, professionals can greatly improve the healthcare experience for autistic individuals. Simple changes, such as allowing more time for appointments, providing quiet spaces, and using clear communication, can make a significant difference in reducing anxiety and ensuring effective care.

In essence, healthcare professionals need to look beyond the autism and see us as individuals with unique needs—just like anyone else.

Inspirational quote: I see my autism as a ‘vibrant rainbow,’ and I believe we should ‘Look Beyond the Autism and See us as Someone Special.’


Personal Reflection by a South Asian British Autistic Female from Underrepresented Communities in Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland (LLR).

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