Chat Autism offers support for autistic people and their parents/carers/families or allies living in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

Qualified health professionals from the Specialist Autism team can answer queries from autistic people, their families, carers and allies via text conversation.

It’s a safe and easy way to get confidential help and advice on autism related issues.

Here are some of the topics that people ask for advice about:

  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Healthy relationships
  • Understanding autism
  • Signposting to advice and support
  • Assessment and diagnosis

The service is available 9am-5pm every week day. You will receive a response within 24 hours, Monday-Friday.  We are not open on bank holidays but we do stay open during school holidays.

This service is totally confidential.  Your information will only be shared if the health professional is worried about you or someone else’s safety or if you share information which may be concerning or put you or someone else at risk or danger.

Text 07312 277097 or start a chat here


Please note: ChatAutism is not a crisis or emergency service. 

If you have urgent mental health concerns, you can call NHS 111 and press option 2. 

You will be put through to a qualified call handler, who will be able to give you the advice and support you need.

This service is totally free and confidential and operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week

It is for all ages – so you can call this number if you are a parent or carer and need urgent mental health advice and support for a child or young person.

Alternatively, you can visit and follow the on screen instructions.  This service is also staffed by the same qualified call handlers. It operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is free and confidential.

Please note however that this NHS 111 line is not an emergency service. Where there is an immediate, serious and life-threatening emergency, you must call 999 or attend A and E.

Meet the ChatAutism team digital practitioners


Emma, digital practitioner

Hi my name is Emma. I am a qualified speech and language therapist. I have a keen interest and speciality in supporting autistic people, their families and carers. For this I draw on both my professional knowledge and experience, plus my personal lived experience. I am autistic and also the parent of two autistic children. I have a good listening ear and find it easy empathise with others. I find it very satisfying to help other people to problem solve - so being part of the team who answers queries on ChatAutism and writing content for Autism Space is a job that suits me very well.

Natalie, digital practitioner

Hi my name is Natalie and my background is in nursing - I am also a health visitor. I have a child with special educational needs which enables me to empathise with other parents and carers. I enjoy providing individual support and advice online, it is great how convenient it is as ChatAutism can be used anywhere, anytime. Digitally I can help more people through writing online content and answering quueries on ChatAutism than I have in previous roles. It is great that it can empower people to manage their own needs, from their own homes.


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