Decorative graphic which links to the audio promotion for the friends and family test

Friends and family test (FFT)

Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust want to ensure that you have the best possible experience. Your feedback is extremely valuable as it tells us how we are doing and helps us to improve our services.  When you leave your feedback we will not ask for any personal details so it will be anonymous.

How do I leave my feedback?

After your discharge from our services, you may receive a text or an interactive voice message (IVM) asking, ‘Overall how was your experience of our service?’  You can rate your answer from “very good” to “very poor” and you will have the opportunity to explain your score by adding comments.

Some of our community teams are using the text messaging option too.

If you receive a text message, it will be from the number 80870. This message is genuine and safe to open.  All replies sent to this number are free of charge.

Our text and IVM service is provided by Healthcare Communications. All contact details are encrypted before they are securely transferred to Healthcare Communications, and they are held in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998).

There are various other ways you can leave your feedback:

QR code

Using your camera on your smart phone or electronic device, you can scan the QR code on our Friends and Family Test posters which are displayed throughout our inpatient wards and in some of our community settings. Alternatively, services may have a slip with the QR code which they will give you so you can take it with you and provide your feedback at a time that is convenient for you.

Feedback paper version

You can also ask a member of staff asking you to share your feedback with us by completing a paper version if you prefer to do this rather than complete your feedback via QR code.  We also have easy read cards available to make the Friends & Family Test accessible for everyone.  You can post your completed paper card to our freepost address to: LPT Freepost patient experience

Do I have to respond to the Friends and Family Test?

No, your answer is voluntary, and you do not have to take part.

If you do not wish to take part, you can simply reply ‘STOP’ when you receive the text message. If you receive an interactive voice message, say ‘STOP’ when prompted on the call.

How will my feedback be shared?

All feedback is reviewed by our services who will look at both individual comments, and also identify themes and trends.  Positive comments about members of staff will be shared with them and services will use negative comments to look at how they can make quality improvements.

Look out for our Friends and Family test ‘You said we did’ posters on our wards and community settings where we will inform you of any quality improvements we have made from comments received.

Each month the Trust’s submits its Friends and Family data (rating only) to NHS England and NHS Improvement and is accessible at


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