In this section, you can find information on accommodation and housing - including supported living, support if you are or are at risk of becoming homeless and housing information from your local council.

Supported Living Services

Supported living services can help if you do not want to live in residential care but you’re finding it difficult to cope at home.

They’re a combination of suitable accommodation – which can be your own home – with some forms of personal care (like help with washing or cooking)

Some supported living homes are shared by 2 or 3 people with a similar health problem, such as a substance misuse problem or a particular disability.

Staff usually visit the home to help you get out of bed, go out to college or work and do simple tasks such as shopping, housework and repairs.

They can also help with administrative tasks and personal care.

You can find out more about supported living on the NHS website.

Find supported living services near you.

Support if you are/or are at risk of becoming homeless

LPT Homeless Mental Health Service

There is a mental health service for people in Leicester who are homeless (e.g. rough sleeping, hostel/refuge/B&B/temp staying with friends of family) or are within three months of commencing a new tenancy from being homeless.

The Homeless Mental Health Service (HMHS) is a service provided by Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (LPT), and provides assessment, short-term treatments, and support to people who are homeless with mental health difficulties across the city of Leicester.

The team also aims to improve access to all mainstream social and health care services for homeless people in the locality by advocating with mainstream mental health, social care and primary care providers and commissioners.

For more information call 0116 295 8442 or email

Opening Hours: 8.30am – 4.30pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays)

Homelessness support in your local council

Leicester City Council

Leicestershire County Council

Rutland County Council

Other support available across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland

Housing Support in your local council

Here you can find links to housing support options in your local council, including affordable housing, council housing and housing advice.

Citizen’s Advice

The Citizen’s Advice website has lots of helpful information on housing including knowing your rights and responsibilities when housing issues arise, homelessness, veterans who need help finding accommodation and eviction. Find out more on their website

For advice in Leicester City you can contact the Leicester City Branch and for those in the County and Rutland, you can visit the Leicestershire and Rutland Citizen’s Advice websites.

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