An advanced nurse practitioner from Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust has received the international DAISY Award for the outstanding compassionate care they provide to their patients.

Laura Turland, advanced nurse practitioner, who works with children and young people with learning disabilities, was nominated for the award for the care she provided to a young patient.

The DAISY Awards are an international recognition programme that honours and celebrates the exceptional care that many nurses and midwives provide every day.

The nomination, from the patient’s mother, reads: Laura has been our daughter’s lead professional for many years. She is always there to support Holly with an open mind whatever the situation she is presented with.

“She’s supported us at times of crisis, arranged successful medical treatments and just genuinely been there helping with a kind, knowledgeable and compassionate nature. We could not wish for a better person to work with our daughter.”

Laura received her award from James Mullins, interim executive director of nursing, allied health professionals and quality, accompanied by her colleagues.

Laura shared: “It was a huge surprise and an emotional moment. I feel this helps me to remember, when things are tougher, why I am a nurse and how much I truly enjoy what I do.

“Being able to make a real difference to the quality of life for the children and young people I care for, and their families is why I love being a nurse.”

You can thank your nurse by making a DAISY Award nomination here:

An acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System, The DAISY Foundation was formed in America in November 1999, by the family of J. Patrick Barnes who died at age 33 of complications of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP). The nursing care Patrick received when hospitalised profoundly touched his family.

You can find out more about the DAISY Foundation on their website:

Each DAISY Award honouree is recognised at a ceremony in their ward or department and receives a DAISY Award pin, certificate and a hand-carved sculpture A Healer’s Touch, funded by LPT’s charity Raising Health.