LPT has honoured the medical leaders of the future.

Awards and certificates were handed out to the highest achievers at our annual Medical Trainee Awards.

We have around 120 resident doctors (formerly known as junior doctors) who work on our wards, and in clinics in both psychiatry and paediatrics.

Bhanu Chadalavada, LPT’s medical director, said it had been heart warming to read how many of the nominations had referred to the trainees’ compassion.

He added: “I have also noted that these resident doctors have shown exceptional qualities, looking to improve patient care. Some of the colleagues have taken on responsibilities and opportunities more than that would be expected of their level of training.”

Among those honoured were:

Alireza Majlessi and Harry Dudson (both Foundation Year 1). Alireza was recognised for his compassion, high quality of work, and for taking personal responsibility. Harry was praised for his leadership, good communication with nursing colleagues, and being approachable.

Simran Ramewal (Core Trainee Year 2), has created a teaching schedule for fellow trainee doctors, and used artificial intelligence in a number of quality improvement initiatives. She also serves as the joint social secretary for the core trainees;

Shahbaz Abdullah (Core Trainee Year 3) has carried out research which he hopes will be published soon, and has been active in ethical reviews.

Mohamed Hamid (Speciality Doctor) helped manage a ward when a more senior doctor was off work, and wrote a number of papers to help mental health tribunals make decisions on detained patients.

Babatunde Fadipe (Trust Grade Doctor) was nominated for his empathy, commitment to patient care, and collaborative spirit.