A continence nurse from Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust has received the international DAISY Award for the outstanding compassionate care she provides to her patients.

Hayley Shearer, continence nurse, was nominated for the award for the care she provided to an older patient.

The DAISY Awards are an international recognition programme that honours and celebrates the exceptional care that many nurses and midwives provide every day.

The nomination, from the patient’s partner, reads: Hayley gave top quality medical care both technically and in extra time which extended the appointment time into most of her lunch break. Even when my husband, the patient is aged 91 years, and I had departed she telephoned our doctor to inform him that immediate hospital action would be required. The appointment had been made ten weeks previously to decide if he needed continence pads. She gave him a thorough examination, after she had got him to empty his bladder, and then using her technical equipment, discovered there was 0.7 litre of liquid in his body not getting to his bladder. She double-checked on a new version of her equipment and decided he needed speedy treatment.

“We saw the doctor in the afternoon, he phoned us the next morning to [tell us to] go to the Urology Department at Leicester General Hospital and some hours later my husband returned home with a catheter in place and is now much more comfortable and happy. She went above and beyond with her persistent search for the problem and we cannot thank Hayley enough.”

Hayley received her award from Jane Martin, assistant director for nursing and quality at LPT, accompanied by her colleagues.

Hayley shared: “I feel very honoured and proud to be nominated for a DAISY Award and would like to thank the family for taking the time to nominate me.

“Being able to make a difference in a patient’s life is why I love being a nurse – it’s such a rewarding job.”

You can thank your nurse by making a DAISY Award nomination here: www.leicspart.nhs.uk/about/daisy-award/

An acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System, The DAISY Foundation was formed in America in November 1999, by the family of J. Patrick Barnes who died at age 33 of complications of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP). The nursing care Patrick received when hospitalised profoundly touched his family.

You can find out more about the DAISY Foundation on their website: www.daisyfoundation.org/

Each DAISY Award honouree is recognised at a ceremony in their ward or department and receives a DAISY Award pin, certificate and a hand-carved sculpture A Healer’s Touch, funded by LPT’s charity Raising Health.