Two patients, one man in his 90s receiving care at Rutland Memorial Hospital and another man in his 80s receiving care at the Evington Centre, who had both tested positive for Covid-19, have died. Both patients had underlying health conditions.
Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trusts runs community hospitals across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
A spokesperson for Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust said: “We have shared our deep condolences with their families and our thoughts remain with them and the many other families who have lost loved ones during this distressing time.
We urge everyone to continue to follow the hands, face, space guidance, and stay home as much as possible.”
- The Trust will not be giving out any further information about the patients.
- The media are asked to respect the wishes of the families and the interests of staff to avoid any disruption to operational services.
- This brings the total number of deaths of LPT inpatients who had tested positive for Covid-19 to 39.
- Media statements for previous patient deaths at LPT due to Covid-19 are available on our website
- Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (LPT) provides community health, mental health and learning disabilities services for the one million people living in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. We have a budget in excess of £275 million and employ approximately 5,500 staff. For more information visit: Our registered charity is called Raising Health (charity number 1057361). The charity fundraises to support excellent care initiatives, equipment and innovations which go above and beyond core NHS provision to enhance the experience of our patients, service users and staff. See
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