Peer Support Pathway expression of interest form Name(Required) First Last Address(Required) Street Address Address Line 2 City County Postcode Telephone/mobile number(Required)Email(Required) How would you prefer to be contacted?How would you prefer to be contacted?(Required) Telephone/mobile Email Post Select AllLeicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (LPT) is part of the NHS and provides the following services across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. Please tick if you have accessed any of the below services (please tick more than one box if required).Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (LPT) is part of the NHS and provides the following services across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. Please tick if you have accessed any of the below services (please tick more than one box if required). Adult mental health services Adult learning disabilities services Community health services Families, young people and children's services To find out which services fall within these directorates, please visit our service finder at you a member of LPT's Volunteer Network?(Required) Yes No Are you a member of LPT's Involvement Network?(Required) Yes No Where did you first hear about becoming a Peer Support Worker at LPT?(Required) Patient Experience and Involvement newsletter Involvement leaflet Patient Experience and Involvement Team Recovery College Your LPT healthcare professional Recovery and Collaborative Care Planning Cafes Word of mouth This webpage