Our systems and records show that you have not undertaken any bank shifts over a period of three months or more.  As a result your payroll record has been marked as inactive which will prevent you from completing any further training or receive pay for any further shifts you may book.

Whilst we would welcome and encourage your active participation in bank work for the Trust we are unable to hold posts which are inactive for any length of time.  We appreciate that there may be particular reasons which have prevented you from booking shifts and attending work.  I will be very grateful if you could complete the below form detailing the reasons why you have not worked and your plans for undertaking work in the future.  This application will be considered by the Compliance Review Group and a decision will be taken about your bank employment with the Trust.

It is only the bank post which you have not worked on which will be affected as per the letter you will have received in the post.  If you hold either a substantive post or other bank posts which you have worked on recently these will not be affected.

We appreciate that the COVID-19 pandemic has restricted some people’s ability to attend work and or movement in general, I hope you have been safe and well throughout this period.

If we do not hear from you within the fourteen day time frame for a response then this will lead to your bank agreement for this position being withdrawn and terminated, you will only receive a P45 if it is appropriate.  If your employment is terminated as you do not respond and you later decide to work for the Trust then you will have to go through the full recruitment process to re-join the bank.

As you have not worked for some time your access to the Trust’s clinical systems may have been revoked, access will need to be re-requested prior to any future work being completed.

Once we have assessed your intention to work we will contact you with the decision.  If you are offered an opportunity to return and actively work for the Trust we will support your re-introduction with the following;

  • Completion of core and clinical mandatory training
  • Ensure you have an active smartcard and current ID badge
  • Ensure you have an appropriate uniform
  • Completion of the COVID-19 risk assessment
  • Make a COVID-19 vaccination available to you
  • Book you in to induction shifts if required or support you with booking actual shifts

We would like to thank you for the work that you have undertaken in the past and hope you will be able to return to work and engage with creating high quality, compassionate care and wellbeing for all.

Centralised Staffing Solutions


For further information please contact: CSSInvoicing@leicspart.nhs.uk

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