Service description
Our Children and Young Persons Community Phlebotomy Service provides a phlebotomy (blood sample taking) provision to all 0 to 16 year olds registered with a GP within Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, or under-18 if under the Community Paediatric service, SEND, a Looked After Child (LAC), or a CAMHS patient. It is committed to delivering a high quality phlebotomy service for children who require routine, urgent and fasting bloods.

The service accommodates individuals with a wide range of physical and emotional needs. The team includes experienced phlebotomists, a play specialist support worker (who has an important role in guiding children and young people through the procedure, helping to distract them where necessary), and administrators who manage referrals and book appointments.
Referral criteria
We see children and young people aged 0-16 years, or under-18 if under the Community Paediatric service, SEND, a Looked After Child (LAC), or a CAMHS patient. The Children’s Phlebotomy Service only accepts referrals from GPs or paediatricians who require blood sampling for investigation or follow up purposes. All children need to be accompanied by the person who has legal responsibility for the child. This is to gain consent for treatment.
Who to contact if you need an interpreter or information about disabled access
Request for interpreter involvement should be made at the point of referral by the GP. You will also be asked if you require an interpreter when booking the appointment over the telephone. The interpreter will then be contacted by the phlebotomy admin team to inform them of the date, time and venue for their attendance.